Tuesday, January 16, 2007

UK Mosques. Part 1 Of 3.


Chris said...

OK.....I'm freaked out. Never ceases to amaze me. Guess the rest of us will wait until they conquer us to deside we should have done something. I heard this statement from another documentary about it saying something to the effect that "we (Americans and/or everyone else)are strangling ourselves with our own obsession for political correctness". I believe it. Dont know how I can trust "them" again. I think we might be entering that relm of clear and present danger where we cant afford to extend our hand of kindness without the risk of being destroyed. It makes me deeply sad for our future as a human race. Seems we could be facing thousands of years more of killing each other. I'd like to know what goes on inside US mosques. Do you think anyone is watching them? Probably everyone.

Doctor Wu said...

Was going to post the other two vids in this series, but YouTube pulled them due to copywrite stuff. They were pretty scary also.
I think we need to start watching USA mosques also. Or at least check the mullahs out real close like.