Friday, February 16, 2007

The Candiru or Don't Pee in the Amazon...

I was reading this article about a older guy going to attempt swimming the entire length of the Amazon River when this part of the story really got my attention:
"But Strel, 52, remains philosophical: "I'm concerned, of course, but if I think of that stuff I would never jump into the water," he told reporters. He even had a ready reply when asked about every man's greatest fear in the equatorial waters - the toothpick fish that can enter the body by swimming up the penis, and can only be removed by surgery. "I never urinate straight into the water, I always urinate straight into my wetsuit," he said."
So I immediately crossed my legs and did a little research on this as I had never heard about this fish. The name of this fish is Candiru (with a ' on top of the u). Otherwise known as "The Terrifying Toothpick Fish". Wikipedia has extensive infomation here if you want to persue this arcane venture into fishery.

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