Friday, April 27, 2007

Da Pope wears 'roos....

Notice a spring in Pope Benedict XVI's step? It might have something to do with the kangaroos.

The leader of the Roman Catholic Church has been turning heads with his bright red leather loafers, leaving papal fashionistas wondering if they're Prada or Gucci.

It turns out they're neither. On Saturday, the pope made a visit to Italy's shoe capital, Vigevano, where he received 150,001 pairs of shoes from Moreschi, including a red pair made of kangaroo hide, Reuters reports.

All but the 'roo shoes will be donated to the poor through various Vatican charities, with the pope holding on to his pair for official functions.

Traditionally, papal footwear is referred to as the "Shoes of the Fisherman" — all popes are seen as successors to St. Peter the Apostle, a man who made his living fishing. Times change, though, affording this German pope the chance to don a more exotic pair of shoes.

Papalship, after all, has its privileges. I kinda dig the hat also. This story should get all the tree huggin, animal rights folks up in arms.

1 comment:

Joe said...

sigh...such vanity. maybe they could take some lessons from the Franciscans they persecuted centuries ago, and just wear simple wool frocks.