Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Flooding again in Bangladesh, Pakistan etc.

So every year we read the same news out of this part of the world. Monsoon floods strike Bangladesh, India, Pakistan . We see pictures like the above or worse
I hate to state the obvious, but has anyone though of building dams to control these run away rivers? Dams of course would create lakes and reserve water and when drought time come again, as it always does in this part of the world, the water could be released, relieving the drought through irrigation.
Tennessee and Northern Alabama was plagued with massive spring floods for a very long time. The flooding would also affect the larger tributaries of the Tennessee. This created much havoc and destruction. TVA came in the 1930s and built many dams in the region with the resulting lakes and now the wild Tennessee river is under control. Another side effect of the dams is the hydroelectric power generated in the dams. Tennessee was a very rural state and the TVA dams provided electricity to all areas. Needless to say that life improved greatly in the rural areas and in the state as a whole.
If India and Pakistan would stop making nukes and build some dams I think that life would be a lot better for the populace.

1 comment:

Kel said...

The country may be too poor to build the infastructure needed. Or it may be possible that dams might not work in that specific area. They're in the same boat (pun intended) as people on the Atlantic coast with hurricanes, people on the pacific coast with earth quakes, people in tornado alley, and people in my area with blizzards. You learn to deal with it, repair, rebuild.