Monday, June 09, 2008

Sunday's Lesson on Monday...


Suppose a child is given a jigsaw puzzle and told, 'Set the
pieces together rightly and you will have an attractive picture.'
The interested child works on the puzzle but cannot get the pieces
to fit. But trusting the person who gave him the puzzle he struggles
to create the picture. But frustration builds pressure.

Suspend the child's story for a moment to see the similarity between
his problem and man's baffling condition. Human beings have a life-
problem. Authorities have assured them of success in working it out.
But nothing works. Frustration builds tension and hostility.

Persisting carefully with the puzzle, the child makes an astounding
discovery. The pieces belong to two entirely different puzzles! The
difficulty itself was false. The authority he trusted was both wrong
and careless.

That is what man must see. The problem itself is false. There is
no need for fame and fortune. There is only a need to be a real
person. We are not required to be young or attractive or desirable.
We are invited to flow in casual harmony with our own true nature."

Esoteric Encyclopedia of Eternal Knowledge, p. 106
Vernon Howard

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