Sunday, June 01, 2008

A Sunday lesson...

Peace is found in surrender to good thought devotion. People who are loving, who practice stillness, who delight in meditation and good actions, are really peaceful. Peace is the alter of God, the condition in which happiness exists.
...Paramahansa Yogananda, SRF Lessons


Chris said...

My subscription to lessons from Paramahansa Yogananda's Self Realization Fellowship attracted some bitter criticism years ago when I lived with my mother. My argument was and still is that he expanded well on a vital prerequisite to mental clarity that should preceed any approach to God, religion, or life in general. Most of us dont seem to realise what a stressed out state of static we exist in most of the time until we do pursue to bring some silence to the storm. Its comforting to see you post a qoute here. It reminds me that the storm has an atraction that can gobble us up again if we're not diligent. Thanks.

Doctor Wu said...

More to come. I have a great lesson coming from Vernon Howard. You might want to check out his website.